Always follow your heart and do things that makes you happy
Autonomous RC Car (Work In Progress)
December 11, 2021
Learn how to build your own autonomous, self-driving car using an remote control (RC) toy as the base! The goal is to integrate such it could enable both manual control and an autonomous driving mode.
I've spent years working with AR technology, and now it's time to bring that innovation to something personal - my business card. Inspired to go digital, I'm creating a virtual version that reflects the technology I've worked with for so long.
Inspired by my nieces who love playing games on Roblox, I decided to dive into the platform myself. As usual, my approach was to start by creating my own games.
This project explores how Artificial Intelligence can enhance the occlusion of Augmented Reality (AR) content, enabling seamless integration with real-world objects for a more immersive experience.