Big Five Test

Big Five Test

In fall 2015 I participated a “Networking course” and the lecture gave us a simple personality test, called “Big Five Test”. This is to learn more about ourselves and understand why we act as we do. The test consists of 50 statements which we will mark how much we agree or disagree. In the end we should summerize the scores to get the result.

The Big Five Test is only the digital version of the test.

Source Code

Link to the source code: Big Five Test


Microsoft Window
NB! This software has only been tested in Windows 7 Pro 64bit, but could work in Windows XP SP3 and newer version of Windows.

Version 0.0.1 (21/11-2015)
Download Big Five Test

The software is compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. Please install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package if your Windows doesn’t has the package installed.